So, Those Markets Hey… Q3 ‘22
This quarter had its fair share (pun intended) of ups and downs due to the oil prices, increased inflation and issues caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Everything you need to know about investing. No jargon, no nonsense - totally Franc.
This quarter had its fair share (pun intended) of ups and downs due to the oil prices, increased inflation and issues caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
37.9% of households in South Africa are solely financially headed by females and all this time could be used by women to invest or save more.
Alternative investments seem like a lot of effort and a bit of a gamble. Do you think are they worth the bragging rights at the next braai?
Welcome back to the final part of the two-part series on investing in art. The last article covered the different ways to invest in art and now you might want to exit.
You've seen Swizz Beats and Alicia Keys's "The Dean Collection". You've seen Nelson Makamo's art in Oprah's foyer. So, you're thinking, "I want to get into investing in art!" Here's the low down:
The only things certain in life are death and taxes. This is something worth remembering when we are tempted to postpone our investment strategies.
People who buy and sell shares often laugh at people who buy and hold. However, our analysis shows that buying and holding is better most of the time.
A personal account of when to start saving for children, tips to introduce good financial habits and how to do so.
Growing up, many of us have perceptions about investing that we (hopefully!) figure out later are not correct. Here are 5 myths from the past that aren't true today.